The visual or visible identity expresses the goals and values of the organization, the nature of its work and  characteristics. Therefore, the identity is an integral part of its brand that the public sees. which are divided into: Logo design, fonts, images, used colors and shapes. The question is here: What are the specifications of a successful visual identity?

What are the components of visual identity?

The components of the visual identity are summarized in a number of points, including the following: Logo, colors, texts, typography, icons, graphics and illustrations such as infographics. As well as the method used in photographing or a photo to come out in its final form.

In fact, with the multiplicity of companies operating in the same field, the strength of the brand has become an important requirement. The expression of that with appropriate words, pictures or music. Which is what we call the visual identity of the organization. Taking into account the smallest details in the preferences, customs and cultures of the target audience to ensure that the meaning of identity conveys to them.

What are the foundations of building a visual identity?

In general, when designing the visual identity of the organization, the target audience must be identified. This is done by answering a number of questions revolving around: Age, gender, education level, job title, lifestyle, interests, values, and habits. In addition to the main purpose of creating your organization to be able to design an identity that expresses all of the above.

The logo is an essential element in building a visual identity. It allows to get to know the organization and make it stick in the minds of its audience. However, to implement it, professional designers must be hired to design a strong logo that expresses its personality. It has to perform three basic functions. As following: It is clearly distinguished among the rest of the logos. Giving your business its independent character. Highlighting  your organization among competitors.

The more sophisticated your visual identity becomes, the more it can survive the market. It builds bridges of trust with the audience following your organization. What makes them feel like they belong. It also enables a strong and rapid response to any change in the market, ensuring the continuity of your organization. So designing a strong logo in the beginning saves money, time and effort for the organization and highlights its position.

The Internet has contributed to the marketing and promotion of visual identities. Especially if the organization has more than one nationality. Now the visual identity can be marketed, bought, sold and also recognized in different countries of the world. But as long as you understand your customer or audience, their values, and culture in each country you direct your content to.

Undoubtedly, the name affects positively or negatively on the visual identity of the organization. In order to ensure global appeal, for example, you should choose a description or a name that is less in the number of letters and words. It is easy to pronounce and remember it in most of the countries in which the organization wishes to spread.

What are the controls of visual identity?

In fact, a good successful visual identity is based on two foundations,  namely: – The first is excellence and uniqueness so that they are prominent and known among competitors. The second is to be able to keep pace with the growth of your organization in the market so that it does not have to change it in the future. Of course, that will distract your audience.

It is worth noting that the visual identity has specific dimensions according to each component: The official paper of the organization (21 * 29.7 cm). ID cards (9 * 5.5 cm).  Horizontal Official paper (29.7 * 21 cm). Certificates (29.7 x 21 cm). Paper files (23 * 33 cm). The envelopes of the internal and external correspondence are in order from smallest to largest (23.5 * 12 cm). (22.9 * 16 cm). (32.4 * 22.9 cm). At 300 pixels per inch.