When designing a website, the primary objective behind it is easy access for the target user to the content produced. However, the performance of the site may prevent this objective from being achieved. Therefore, SEO is important in this case. The objective is to help search engines understand and display content. The question here is: Does search engine optimization (SEO) replace paid ads?

How is SEO optimized?

SEO “Search Engine Optimization” is defined as the process of increasing and raising the quality of number of visits to the website. Through unpaid search results “Organic Search Results”. That is, it works to understand what the user is searching for on the Internet, the words used when searching, and kind of content they are targeting.

SEO is a two-trend process. The first of which is in determining what users are searching for on the Internet. The second trend is to present this content in a way that enables search engines to find and understand it so that they can communicate it to the user. That is, the search engine is the bridge of communication between the site and the user, which needs to be periodically improved to do its job.

What are the most prominent means of Internet marketing?

Of course, paid ads play a big role in attracting more visitors to the site. However, regular search results gain more user trust than paid ones. For example, statistics showed that only 2.8% of users in the United States click on paid results.

In fact, SEO is the only online marketing method that, if improved, helps generate continuous profits. Putting good content worth following up with appropriate keywords contributes to attracting visitors to your site without the need for paid ads.

There are many reasons behind the fact  your website may not appear on the Google search engine. The main one is that the remaining sites do not include links to your site. Or that the design of the site does not facilitate the task of the search engine to crawl its content effectively. Or the site policy prevents Google from accessing it.

Google Search Console offers a number of tools that help the search engine know the content of your website. It can also send you alerts about the most common problems that Google encounters when crawling your site.

Usually, webmasters hire a SEO expert to improve the visibility of the site on search engines. This is an important decision as it saves time and effort. It reviews the submitted content. Provides technical advice on hosting, redirections, and using Java Script. In addition to content development. Conducting keyword research.

How is your website included in Google?

The first step in the process of including your website in Google is to submit a sitemap, a file on your site that notifies search engines of new or changed pages for the search engine to find. Your site can also be found via links embedded on other pages.

Although websites need to be crawled by Google. However, there may be unwanted pages that can be blocked from search engine access using the robots.txt file that is placed in the site’s root directory. The reason for not wanting to access these pages is that they are not useful to users.

There are two terms related to SEO. They are the white hat. It means strategies compatible with the terms of search engines. And black hat techniques that deceive search engines into getting more visits. But it exposes the site to ban and removal by the engine, which causes material losses to the site.