One of the important steps in building any media, whether written, audio or visual, is “content industry“. It is the process of organizing a set of ideas aimed at a specific audience. To display it on the website or in the form of an image such as an “infographic”, a podcast or YouTube?

What is the importance of the content industry?

With the development of technology and the resort of different segments of the public to the Internet to obtain the goods they want and answers to the questions on their minds. There has become an urgent need to develop a correct strategy in the content industry. For its great impact in the profit industry and create the desired effect on the target audience.

What are the main stages of content creation?

In general, understanding the needs of the target audience is the first stage of content creation. To be able to prepare what suits them and attracts them to follow the media. The audience is selected based on their age group, interests, educational level and nationality. And other standards. Directing content for children is of course different from university graduates.

Here comes the content view step. Before starting to edit and prepare it, you must choose how to present it, whether in the form of an article whose word number ranges between 500 and 2000 words. Or in a visual form such as an infographic to display graphs. or video clips. To display on platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. Or in the form of an audio “podcast”.

On the other hand, content creation tools help in carrying out work in a shorter and more accurate time. Most notably, Google Trends helps understand the popularity of any topic the creator intends to address to ensure that the audience is searching for it. Also, Moz Keyword Explorer allows you to suggest keywords that reflect your search volume on the Internet. However, it only allows two free searches per day.

Another content creation tool is Giphy, which is used to attract audiences by providing static images. But in an animated fashion.  Canva: This tool allows content creators to produce infographics, images, and videos in a simple and free way. Trello is an organizational tool that facilitates communication between staff rather than emails.

What are the controls for content publishing?

In fact, the point of time should be kept in mind when publishing content created by the media. The preparation of content, regardless of the way it is presented, on a national occasion should be published at the same time as the celebration, not after or long before it either.

If you choose to publish content on social media platforms. The preparator has to take into account the nature of the platform.  For example, Facebook prefers to be in the form of questions and videos. As for Instagram, it relies on high-quality photos and short videos. As for Youtube, it is preferable to create attractive videos that can compete with popular content. In Twitter, the form of SMS dominates.

In fact without data it is not possible to know how successful the content presented. So comes the analysis stage, which is based on the number of page views. The amount of traffic coming from search engines. The bounce rate is the number of visitors who leave without browsing more. The rate of reaction, whether liking, sharing or commenting on content. And finally, the audience growth rate.

In the end, based on the number of views and advertising revenue, it appears to the media outlet how successful the content presented is. In a statistic for Oberlo, it was found that 54% of social media users rely on it to search for new products and services. The companies that marketed their products through blogs attracted 126% more customers than the competitors.