One of the main priorities of any organization is to reach a wide segment of its target audience and to introduce its activities, objectives, and services. Attainment of this priority is not through promotional advertisements alone, but necessarily requires organizing many direct mass events, such as conferences, seminars, or workshops. Hence, these events have become one of the most important activities on the agenda of many official and private organizations.

However, the organization of events in its abstract form is not the intention but the good and tight organization of the event, which results from a deeper understanding and great professionalism in the planning and management of such important events. Therefore, event management and organization services are considered among the vital activities that are in increasing demand in the modern era, which has resulted in some companies specializing in this activity specifically to meet the increasing demand for it.

The idea of event management and organization services from Smart Ideas Media

Smart Ideas Media‘s event management and organization services revolve around implementing efficient and integrated activities related to all event details with professional technical, media, and administrative tools that are compatible with technological, scientific, and professional developments in these areas and from all aspects in order to produce the event with the highest level of quality and distinction and help our clients to enhance their market and institutional position and deepen their communication with their target audience.


The Importance of Event Organization and Management Services
  • Events are among the most important activities on the agendas of the most prominent official and private bodies at the international level.
  • Good event management contributes to communicating the organization’s mission and objectives to the target audience.
  • Good organization of events is an essential pillar for strengthening relations between the institution and its internal and external audience.
  • The tight organization of events is an excellent opportunity for direct interaction with the target audience.
  • The distinguished organization of events contributes to the direct marketing of the institution.
Smart Ideas Media Methodology in “Organization and Management of Events “

The event organization and management services at Smart Ideas Media are based on advanced scientific and applied systems that are compatible with the conditions of customers and their target audience, therefore helping to achieve their media and marketing objectives. Our working methodology includes:

Concentrate on defining specific goals and audiences:
  • Determining precise objectives is one of the basics of the success of mass events.
  • Defining precise objectives is the starting point in organizing an organized and integrated event.
  • Determining the target audience and its different segments is a key pillar in planning events and their success.
Exclusivity and Excellence:
  • Avoiding the methods and stereotypes that are commonly used in the organization of mass events and major events.
  • Developing new and effective methods of organizing, managing, marketing, and archiving the event, such as: marketing through social media and electronic archiving.
  • Adopting the best ways to organize and promote strengthens the bonds between our customers and the people they want to reach.
  • Our event planning and management services help with a wide range of executive and marketing tools.
Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Our event planning and management services are broad in scope and characterized by a diversity of tools, techniques, and programs.
  • Our services include all sub-services related to the main service, such as: organizing the opening ceremony; managing relations with senior guests; media and electronic promotion; and others.
  • Our team has a lot of administrators, technicians, media professionals, and marketers who specialize in all areas of event management and organization.
  • The good and integrated organization of events ensures that clients benefit from the many prospects and possibilities offered by the good and integrated organization of events.
Smart Ideas Media‘s main services in “Event Organization and Management”

Smart Ideas Media has a variety of sub-services within the event organization and management service, with great events that ensure our clients provide a high-quality final product tailored to the target audience of the event. All of them are based on scientific approaches and integrated technical mechanisms, directed in their entirety to make the most of the available tools and techniques in achieving the goals that our clients seek by organizing various events and enhancing communication with the public, thus achieving leadership and excellence in the field.


The following lines summarize the main sub-services that are included within the services of “event organization and management” and are consistent with the clients’ media and marketing objectives; these services include:


Preparing/Designing the Event Profile
  • good preparation for the event, from formulating the initial concept of the event’s progress to its final implementation.
  • Developing event plans and providing a detailed timeline to clients
  • Clearly defining the overall tasks of the work team and the objectives to be achieved from the event.


Technical equipment for the main hall of the event
  • designing a technical equipment plan for all equipment and tools required for the event.
  • providing hall rental services, audio equipment, lighting equipment, and others.
  • Equipping the main hall of the event with the latest lighting, sound, and display equipment of outstanding quality
  • Providing sound and lighting technicians throughout the event period to ensure that any defects are corrected.
  • designing and implementing the main hall’s decoration in line with the event’s identity.
  • Equipping the podium for the pulpit, seats, tables, nameplates, and others.


Technical equipment for the event stage
  • Equipping the stage with a professional mechanism to withstand heavy work and heavy weights.
  • Providing high-quality sound and lighting control devices:
  • installing sound systems and linking them throughout the hall.
  • Providing wired and wireless speakers and microphones inside the theatre.
  • Professional torches, towers, road rollers, control units, and other lighting systems are available.
  • Equipping the theater with devices that transmit signals and high-definition waves for display on screens.
  • Equipping the senior speakers’ stand on the side of the stage with a design that matches the identity of the event.
  • providing elegant seating for VIP guests, and a luxurious table equipped with nameplates, microphones, and all other accessories.


The production and design of the exhibition decorations accompanying the event
  • providing design and implementation services for exhibitions accompanying the event.
  • designing and implementing the event’s pavilion decorations according to the client’s desire.
  • providing tables and seats per pavilion of the exhibition, as well as all electrical appliances and lighting tools.
  • Providing other logistical services, such as: inauguration of pavilions, floor design, opening ceremonies, and after-exhibition services.


Organizing the press conference for the event
  • supervising the press conference for the promotion of the event.
  • equipping the conference hall with the technical tools necessary for the success of the conference.
  • providing press material for the conference and publishing it in various media.
  • providing meals for the conference attendees with hot and cold drinks.


Organizing the event’s opening ceremony
  • Providing all the services for organizing the opening ceremony of the event, including keynote speeches for dignitaries, showing promotional films, honoring sponsors and speakers, and taking memorial photos.
  • Providing a select group of media professionals with experience in dialogue, managing and coordinating the various segments, whether for the opening ceremony or for the rest of the event program.
  • The possibility of adding other items to the concert program according to the customers’ desire, such as fireworks and lasers for outdoor events,