• What are the specifications of a successful visual identity?

    The visual or visible identity expresses the goals and values of the organization, the nature of its work and  characteristics. Therefore, the identity is an integral part of its brand that the public sees. which are divided into: Logo design, fonts, images, used colors and shapes. The question is here: What are the specifications of a successful visual identity? What are the components of visual identity? The components of the

  • What is the role of animation graphics in enhancing the visual identity of the media organization?

    Statistics indicate that 80% of brands around the world rely on high-quality graphic designs to support and promote the organization. Such as animation graphics. Which is no longer an option that can be taken or left. Rather, it has become an indispensable form of communication for the success of any organization working in the media field in particular. The question is here: What is the role of animation graphics in