Compared to traditional means of advertising and promotion and public relations activities, cooperation with social influences will have great benefits, and real value often exceeds the amount and value of money paid by customers, whether individuals or commercial organizations. Word of mouth or influencer marketing has recently proven its worth. It has become at the forefront of the most important types of e-marketing especially when it comes to the  prompt and effective e-communication with the audience and making the desired effect at the lowest cost, longest and strongest impact.

Idea of Influencer Industry Services from Smart Ideas Media

Influencer industry services from Smart Ideas Media are based on providing skills, knowledge, media and marketing support to young influencers in order to help them in the continuous development of their personal capabilities and qualify them to engage in e-marketing work, and increase their effectiveness in making the desired impact on their target audience.

Importance of Influencer Industry Services
  • Influencers are the most influential content creators with the most fan base, so they are an important marketing and mentoring tool.
  • Influencers enjoy a great spread through social networking sites “Facebook / Twitter/ Instagram / YouTube…”.
  • Influencers are distinguished by the power of communicating and expressing the vision and mission of the organization and its brands.
  • Influencers are the vital link between organizations’ brands and their market awareness.
  • Influencers have a trusted voice to the audience and have the ability to influence and persuade.
  • Influencers easily build a solid network of relationships between their followers and brands, and without this medium it would be difficult to build these relationships.
  • Influencers save a lot of the organization’s resources spent on outreach and marketing activities by achieving amazing results with little time and money.
Smart Ideas Media’s methodology in “Influencer Industry Services”

The influencer industry services at Smart Ideas Media are based on advanced scientific and applied systems that are compatible with the different capabilities and potentials of influencers and their target audience, and their goals of social communication to help achieve these goals. Our working methodology includes:

  • Focusing on the influencer’s personal capabilities and communication goals:
  • Determining the main strengths and weaknesses of his character.
  • Determine the most important skills and knowledge he needs to communicate effectively with the public.
  • Accurately defining the goals that the influencer wants to achieve.
  • Determining the target audience and its different segments.


Exclusivity and Excellence:
  • Developing new and effective methods in formulating the influencer’s media and marketing content.
  • Analyzing the personality of the influencer with distinct methodological mechanisms that help evaluate and continuously develop his performance.
  • Adopting atypical creative templates in marketing the influencer and its promotional and media content, in order to enhance its communication with its target audience and deliver its media and marketing messages to them.
  • Our services support the provision of a variety of technical and marketing techniques and methods to follow up the reactions of the target audience to the content provided by the influencer.
Diversity and inclusiveness:
  • Our influencer industry services are broad in scope, featuring a diversity of tools and techniques.
  • Our services include supporting influencers with knowledge and tools, producing content, launching social media publishing and marketing plans, and more.
  • Our team has a lot of specialists in all areas of human development, content production and marketing.
  • Attention to marketing the influencer’s media and marketing content, communicating it to the target audience through various platforms, and following up on reactions about it.
  • Diversity in the mechanisms of content production, strategic planning for publishing, and marketing tools, in order to ensure that the influencer makes the most of the many prospects and possibilities of social networking sites.


Highlights of Smart Ideas Media Services in ” Influencer Industry”

Smart Ideas Media has various sub-services within the influencer industry service that are highly effective to ensure that our influencer clients have effective and fruitful communication with the target audience. All of them are based on many integrated scientific approaches, which are directed to achieve the maximum benefit from the influencer’s personal capabilities, skills and the strength of his social presence, and to maximize the use of content, media, and electronic and digital platforms to achieve the goals sought by our customers, influence their target audience and achieve the goals they desire.

In the following lines, we review the main sub-services that are included within the services of the “Influencer Industry” and are consistent with their cognitive, informational and marketing goals, and these services include:

Influencer Preparation and Qualification Services
  • Providing an integrated set of training and rehabilitation programs that ensure upgrading the skills of influencers in the various types of knowledge they need to influence the public, persuasion and marketing.
  • Building and developing strategic and advisory plans in order to make the most of the produced content, the influencer’s digital presence, and the benefits of social networking sites and digital platforms.


Content Production Services

We are working on the production of media and marketing content of all kinds and at all stages, which include:

  • Pre-Production Services: Defining the target audience, planning and launching documented official pages, and formulating publishing and broadcasting schedules.
  • Production: Content writing, review and proofreading.
  • Providing studios at the highest level for video recording and audio broadcasting.
  • Post-Production Services: Editing, designing and publishing content.
  • Follow-up the target audience’s reactions to the content and evaluating it based on the results of follow-up and monitoring.


Publishing and Promotion Services
  • Managing all aspects of publishing and promotion, and ensuring the availability of media and marketing content on electronic and digital platforms.
  • Providing promotional materials to influencers and their clients via social media.
  • Promotion materials include the production of short videos, animations, and infographics inspired by the influencer’s personal identity.
Audiovisual Identity Services
  • Providing comprehensive visual identity packages for influencers to help create a distinctive identity and audio-visual content for their pages on social media and digital platforms.
  • Creating a visual and audio design to suit the identity of influencers on different platforms.
Benefits of Influencer Industry Services from Smart Ideas Media
  • Transparency and Flexibility:

Our services are highly transparent and flexible with the aim of gaining the confidence of our influencers clients by providing an elaborate work based on the strength of the content and the strengths of the influencer itself, advantages and needs of the target audience as well as making the most of the various electronic media and the distinctive features of each with the aim of enhancing the influencer’s communication with his target audience of organizations and individuals, and improving their mental image.

  • Integrated Services:

We provide integrated and comprehensive service solutions to help influencers communicate with their target audience, grow their businesses, and activate their personal brand marketing efforts. Influencers industry services include all that it includes from personal and professional development, content production, consulting and strategy services, broadcasting and content marketing through social media sites, and other tools that are highly effective in achieving the marketing and promotional goals of influencers.

  • Lower Cost:

Our services help influencers save money by enhancing their reach to their target audience with advanced and commonly used technology, therefore helping to effectively promote their personal brand to the audience and continuously increase the base of this audience, improve the institutional reputation and the mental image of their audience of organizations and brands and achieve many social, media and marketing goals without excessive costs. We offer the best variety of influencer industry packages to meet the needs of all influencers at the best possible price and quality, ensuring that our clients pay only for the true cost of the service, without any extra money.

  • Distinguished team of creators:

Smart Ideas Media owns a creative team of administrative trainers, content producers, technicians and marketers in the Arab world and around the world, all of whom have extensive experience in the human, technical, artistic, marketing and content development fields and a proven track record of work with many Arab and foreign entities, ensuring the addition of distinctive commercial value to our influential clients, through skill and knowledge preparation services, content production and broadcasting, and other creative marketing services that ultimately serve marketing and promotion strategies, enhancing reputation in all its elements and managing it effectively so that they achieve the desired goals.

  • Extensive Previous Experience:

Smart Ideas Media is a well-established media corporation with long experience in many fields, including:: Influencers industry with many distinct experiences with hundreds of clients. This prestigious entity works to develop the marketing and promotional capabilities of its clients and their personal and institutional brands with the aim of enhancing their communication with the target audience and achieving the desired goals. To this end, the corporation has a broad experience that extends over a long period of time covering all these fields, built by a distinguished team of management and qualification experts, content production, technology, marketing and reputation management.