With the advent of the information revolution and the emergence of the World Wide Web, the number of Internet users around the world has steadily increased. A lot of tools, media and electronic platforms have appeared that have many functions. Other than the exchange of information and social communication between people. Its importance in the promotion and marketing of various areas of life becomes clear. Through accessibility to millions of people with a single click. Hence, its great value is clear to the world of finance and business in particular. As commercial organizations have benefited from it in promoting their products and services and achieving more profitability and market growth. Therefore, “e-marketing” has become an independent science and the focus of the services of many marketing companies around the world. The question is here: What are the principal e-marketing services offered by Smart Ideas Media?


What is e-marketing?

E-marketing includes all the marketing efforts of individuals and organizations over the Internet. With its diverse and highly effective digital tools.  For  example: Websites, Google search results, and social platforms that are used to constantly communicate with existing customers and increase the chances of reaching other potential customers.


Smart Ideas Media e-marketing services

The E-marketing service from Smart Ideas Media is based on the use of all the different e-marketing tools. In order to promote the customers’ brand and their products or services. And gain the trust of its target audience with its diverse segments. As well as  convince them to buy or try its services and improve their mental image.


   What is the importance of e-marketing services?
  • E-marketing helps deliver marketing messages to the largest possible target audience.
  • E-marketing creates the necessary presence of the brand online.
  • E-marketing opens new horizons to reach global markets.
  • E-marketing supports the brand’s advertising campaigns and makes them more effective.
  • E-marketing is less expensive and more effective than traditional marketing methods.
  • E-marketing is more effective in targeting specific segments of the audience with marketing accuracy.
  • E-marketing creates an interactive relationship with customers unlike traditional marketing.


What is the Smart Ideas Media’s e-marketing methodology?

The e-marketing services at Smart Ideas Media are based on advanced scientific and applied systems that are compatible with the brand conditions of customers and their target audience, therefore helping to achieve their objectives. – Our working methodology includes:


Focus on defining precise objectives and audience:
  • Determining precise objectives is one of the basics for the success of e-marketing.
  • Defining goals accurately is the starting point in launching the appropriate marketing service for customers.
  • Determining the target audience and its different segments is a key pillar in e-marketing effectiveness.


Exclusivity and Excellence:
  • Avoid the prevailing means and stereotypes about e-marketing.
  • Developing new and effective methods other than advertising. For example: Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.
  • Adopting non-stereotypical marketing methods that deepen the bonds between customers and their target audience.
  • Our e-marketing services support a variety of advertising and non-advertising techniques and methods.


Diversity and inclusiveness:
  • Our e-marketing services are broad in scope, featuring a diversity of tools and techniques.
  • Our services include online and social media marketing, website advertising, content marketing, etc.
  • Our team has a lot of marketers who specialize in all kinds of e-marketing.
  • Attention to cover all target segments of the audience through various platforms.
  • Diversity in marketing tools ensures that customers maximize the benefit from the many prospects and possibilities of e-marketing.


What is the Smart Ideas Media’s principal e-marketing services?

Smart Ideas Media has various sub-services within the e-marketing service and is highly effective. To ensure that our customers provide a high-quality final product that suits the target audience. All of them are also based on many integrated scientific approaches that are directed to make the most of electronic and digital media and platforms in achieving the goals that our customers seek from the promotional and marketing campaigns of their brands. Take the most important available opportunities in the market and achieve leadership and excellence in its field.

In the following lines, we review the principal sub-services that are included in e-marketing services and consistent with the brand’s marketing and promotional objectives. These services include:

Managing social media accounts:
  • Managing customer accounts through various social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Snap chat.
  • Planning and formulating clear strategies for managing clients’ social media accounts.
  • Implementation of distinctive designs that draw attention and writing exclusive content that benefits customers’ account followers.


Managing Google Ads Campaigns:
  • Planning and managing advertising campaigns for customers on Google Ads.
  • Re-targeting the current or potential audience of customers to achieve the largest possible profit.


Configuring websites for Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
  • Configuring customer websites for SEO engines, or as it is known as SEO.
  • Improving the content, performance and speed of websites.
  • Paying attention to some important external factors. For example: Promoting customers’ websites with popular websites.
  • The service of creating a Google Business account so that the company or project headquarters appear on the map with all the details.
  • The service of providing a large number of the public interested in the services provided by customers.

Configuring Apps for ASO Search:
  • This service is considered one of the most requested digital marketing services during this period.
  • We provide the ability to configure commercial applications for customers. , improve its content to appear among the first results in major application stores (Google Play / Apple Store).
  • Ensuring that customer applications are high in search results within a short period of time and receiving a large number of free downloads.


Content Marketing:
  • Determining the language used to communicate with the target audience of the brand. Such as the tone and style of speech used in content, advertising texts, marketing campaigns, and ways of interacting with the audience.
  • Writing, creating and improving unique content of customers via websites or social networks.
  • Building brand loyalty through the content used to communicate and interact with the public.
  • Choosing distinct content that touches the needs of the target audience and addresses their emotional and psychological aspects. This content includes:
  • Profile Creation: Creating a profile for the organization / institution. So that it aims to attract investors, clients and other stakeholders who have an interest in what this organization offers. In addition, the introductory content helps in delivering the organization’s message and its services and products to its target audience.
  • Graphics and Infographics Creation: Through this service, the Smart Ideas Media team creates content from photos and movies, live event coverage, multi-purpose animation and illustration and graphic design.
  • Social Media Content Creation: Through this service, we offer you, in Smart Ideas Media, new and high-quality content that attracts the attention of the target audience to its customers. It keeps them up to date. , which increases the likelihood that they will interact with her posts until they also become regular customers.
  • Advertising Campaign Content: Our team at Smart Ideas Media works to create unique advertising content for our customers. Organizing it in all its stages and delivering it by all possible means to the target audience. This provides a special offer within a larger strategy for our customers.
  • Marketing content for services and products: This service provides customers from companies and online stores with creating content and marketing descriptions for their various products and services in accordance with effective marketing strategic plans.
  • Content promotion through various means. For example: Advertising of all forms, social media, website, etc.
  • Continuous presence of content on social media platforms. The use of carefully prepared content to enhance the image of the brand identity and raise its value in the view of the public.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Compatibility through:
  • Determining the most searched keywords in search engines.
  • Identification and follow-up of the brand’s competitors, and a detailed and complete study of their electronic content.
  • Formulating a distinct content strategy to comply with SEO standards.


  • One of the oldest e-marketing methods ever.
  • It is still very powerful and widespread to date.
  • One of the most important e-marketing services for the time being.
  • Ensuring an increase in the number of participants to customer mailing lists
  • Designing, implementing and following up unique email campaigns of customers.


What are the advantages of the Smart Ideas Media e-marketing service?
  • Transparency and Flexibility: Our services are highly transparent and flexible with the aim of gaining customers’ trust. By providing an elaborate work based on the strengths of the brand and developing the weaknesses into points of excellence that can be taken advantage of. As well as making the most of the different electronic media and the distinctive features of each. With the aim of enhancing the brand’s communication with its target audience and improving its mental image.


  • Integrated Services: We provide integrated and comprehensive service solutions to help our customers grow their businesses and activate their brand marketing efforts. It includes e-marketing services, including e-marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing and other tools that are highly effective in achieving marketing and promotional goals.


  • Lower Cost: Our services help customers save their money. By reaching the target audience with a variety of tools. This helps to effectively promote the brand to the public, increase this audience base, improve the mental image of customers and achieve more profits and other marketing objectives without exaggerating the costs. We offer the best diverse marketing packages to meet the needs of all customers at the best possible price and quality. This ensures that our customers pay only for the true cost of the service without any additional money.


  • Distinguished team of creators: Smart Ideas Media owns a creative team of e-marketers in the Arab world and around the world. All of them have extensive experience in the technical, marketing and content creation field and a track record of business with many prestigious Arab and foreign authorities. This ensures adding commercial value to customers through creative marketing services that ultimately serve e-marketing strategies with all its elements. Then, it is effectively managed to achieve its desired goals.


  • Extensive Previous Experience: Smart Ideas Media is a well-established media corporation with long experience in many fields including e-marketing and has many distinct experiences with hundreds of customers. This prestigious entity works to develop the marketing and promotional capabilities of its customers and their brands. With the aim of keeping pace with the successive changes in the financial and business environment and facing the challenges of the future. To this end, the Association has a broad experience that extends over a long period of time, covering all these areas. It was built by a distinguished team of elite technology experts, media and marketing content experts.